Sunday, February 9, 2014

Light Upon Light

Light upon Light

No corner of the cosmos existing except with His light that illuminates
Closer to man than his jugular vein
Guiding him to a path away from the darkness and away from the pain
Light Upon Light
Our Creator exists eternally
His illumination, from the Infinite, perpetually flowing
His Essence infuses the universe with guidance
Showing man the correct path, living a life of true balance
Light Upon Light
Like nothing in all the universe
Allah’s guidance reaches the hearts of true believers
His eternal radiance polishing the mind and the soul
promising mankind a Paradise of bliss and much much more
To guide us along the way
He gave us the Quran here to stay
Purifying our souls and cleansing them
like a plant that grows from seed to stem
Blossoming out of the soil, widening the heart
Splitting darkness and light, far apart.
A gift from the Creator, up above
Showing Mercy, forgiveness, and beautiful love
A healer of pain, a book to cheer hearts
The book that feels the tears in your eyes
and testifies of your readings to the Most High
Food for the mind
its words so intelligent and so wise
A jewel and a treasure brought down from the skies
Revealed to our Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him
A sacred treasure, a luminating jem.
Our source of guidance to the only source of Light
Our friend until the end, when no one else is in sight.
Except our Beloved Creator, may we be worthy of this sight.
Nuroun 3ala Nour.
Light Upon Light.

“O Allah we ask You from You of Your most illuminating Light, to grant us this most beautiful delight”